Category: Hawaiian Vacation

HANA! You’ll Never Want To Leave Part 1

Beautiful Hana Bay, Maui

Thank God For Hana! is a bumper sticker often seen on locals’ cars on Maui. For many, it’s their favorite place on the island. Once you go there and really experience it, you will understand why. It is one place where Old Hawai’i shines through.  Hana is one of the most isolated communities in the… Read more »

Living With Rainbows – Hawaiian Style

Triple rainbow

The early Hawaiians had no knowledge of modern-day science, physics, or prisms. So just imagine, for a moment, what came into their minds when they saw a Rainbow. Was this a God or Goddess standing before them? Were these radiant colors in the sky an entry into another island, a door into Heaven where their… Read more »

Sweet Sounds of Aloha – Suddenly Magic Began!

Ocean and ukulele player, surfers in the background

Hawaiian music is every bit as indigenous and aboriginal to the island chain as the crashing surf and thunderous volcanoes. Each part of our globe has its own unique landscape. This tends to shape its culture; be it music, art, food, dance, or any creative expression. So what would people get if they evolved for… Read more »

Discover 3 Sacred and Special Places in Maui

Jumping in the ocean from a cliff at sunset.

 Sacred Places are found throughout the world. The word sacred can denote some sort of religious or spiritual significance to the place or site. A good example is Ka Pu’uhonua o Olowalu, a place of refuge sanctified by the gods of Ancient Hawai’i. Like many in Hawai’i, this place is held sacred by the hierarchy of… Read more »