Category: Hawaiian Life

A Look at Your Next Great Adventure in Maui

Late Autumn and early Winter in Maui are terrific! As temperatures on the mainland drop below freezing, the temperatures in Maui become slightly cooler.  The sun is lower on the horizon and it is not so hot on the beach.  It cools down about 10° from the heat of summer and the weather feels perfect! … Read more »

Top 10 Facts You Need to Know When You Visit the Whales in Maui

Whale breech

Whales Were Here Before People! Graceful and awe-inspiring, the magnificent North Pacific Humpback Whales return to the tranquil waters of Hawai’i every year as they have done since 100/400 AD. A time before the first Hawaiians arrived. The ancient Polynesians revered and held the whales as sacred beings. Perhaps they may have been guided on… Read more »

3 Yearly Visitors to Hawai’i That Fly 3000+ Miles Each Way

Sea birds

The Hawaiian Islands have many visitors who come every year.  Some use their wings to fly here while others swim. The North Pacific Humpback Whales have one of the longest annual migrations of any animal, swimming between the food-rich Alaskan waters and the warmer breeding waters of Hawai’i.  The Pacific Golden Plover also makes this… Read more »

Awesome Hand-Crafted Spirits and Beer Skillfully Made in Maui

Organic spirits, super-creative cocktails, craft beers, boutique wines – specialty drinks are a thing!  The Hawaiian Islands have known about hand-crafted alcoholic drinks since 1790. We cannot describe the very first distilled liquor as a specialty drink, but it caught on very quickly. The origin of the island’s first liquor happened to be with one… Read more »

Is Island Hopping in Hawai’i Worth It?

Map of the Hawaiian Islands.

This Blog is for you if: If you have never been to the Hawaiian Islands, the most remote landmass in the world. Maybe you have only been to one island (Maui?) each and every time you have come. Even if you have been to 2 or even 3 of the islands, you should still read… Read more »

Fun on the Way to the Top – Upcountry Maui

We have chatted often about the remarkable area of Maui known as Upcountry; an area far from town, with a varied and rich history. We told a tale of cowboys, ranching, and an improbable winery, MauiWine located in ‘Ulupalakua. Today, we go off the beaten path, to some more of Maui’s unknown gems hidden away… Read more »

A Little Fruit With a Big Story – The Uses of Guava in Hawai’i

Guava juice with a yellow plumeria

Many years ago, I remember hearing people talk about one tropical fruit they experienced when visiting Hawai’i. That fruit was the guava. People found these remarkable fruits everywhere – on hiking trails, along roads, in pastures, and throughout all the state and national parks. Some guava were small, sweet, and red, while others were yellow… Read more »