Kaho’olawe is the smallest main island in the Hawaiian chain. But don’t let that fool you. It is small but mighty, a 45 square mile island that has endured an unimaginable, punishing past. The good news is that today it is making a huge comeback. This May marks the 28th year since the return of… Read more »
9 Small Towns in Hawai’i, Each With Their Own Unique Warmth
Many of our visitors choose to visit more than one island on their first trip to Hawai’i. This makes sense. Once you have spent time somewhere, met the local people, and seen a few sights, you better understand your options for future trips. For example, you may decide to spend more time on your favorite… Read more »
How Names of Places in Hawai’i Are a Huge Influence on the Culture
The ancient Hawaiians named each place purposefully. This was so that anyone coming to that place would know its story. Knowing the history and intertwining mythology of a place deepens our experience of it and makes being there more meaningful. In the Hawaiian language, a place name evokes the mana or power of that area…. Read more »
Here is The Story About Maui’s Protected and Inspired Past in These Museums
During your visit to Hawai’i, there can be days when you prefer to find fun things to do indoors. Perhaps you were overly enthusiastic and got a bit too sunburned the first couple of days of your vacation. Or, maybe, a few too many passing tropical rain showers chased you off the beach and off… Read more »
The Sweet Sounds of Paradise – Musicians of Hawai’i Series – Part 2
In today’s blog, we continue with our Hawaiian Musician series. These are the people and legends who have expressed the Hawaiian spirit and soul through music. Our blog features the legendary musician, singer, guitar virtuoso, and songwriter Gabby Pahinui. It is an honor to introduce Gabby to those who have never heard his music and… Read more »
How The Hawaiian Islands Were Created and Other Volcano Magic
Hawai’i is full of superlatives. Stunning sunsets, giant waves with excellent surfers, magnificent rainbows, wait … the world’s tallest mountain? What? The world’s tallest mountain? What about Mount Everest? If you measure Mauna Kea on the Big Island from the seafloor to the summit, it is 33,500 feet high, while Mt. Everest is only 29,029 feet… Read more »
We Have Reached a Huge Milestone, 1,000 5-Star Reviews on Tripadvisor
Today, we have something to be incredibly grateful for – This week we reached 1,000 5-Star Reviews on TripAdvisor! We see this milestone of one thousand 5-Star Reviews as symbolic of many things. First, it has inspired us to share a day of gratitude and reflection on the 36 years of our family business. We… Read more »
Ali’i Series Pt 2 – Queen Ka’ahumanu – Favorite Wife, Co-Ruler, and Changed the Course of Hawaiian History
In 1768, one of the most influential and important women in modern Hawaiian history was born. This woman came to be known as Queen Ka’ahumanu. A free spirit and a forward thinker, she was born in a tiny cave set into the side of Pu’u Kauiki. This 380′ tall cinder cone hill forms the backdrop… Read more »
How Hawaii’s Anthurium Became Its Most Popular Bouquet Flower!
Anthurium flowers never fail to mystify people. From this day since they were first introduced people ask if they are real. These stunning flowers were brought to Hawai’i from London in 1889 by Samuel Damon. Their cultivation and propagation went well until the 1970s when a fungal disease first appeared. This pest spread so… Read more »
King Kamehameha the Great – The Unification of the Hawaiian Islands
If you have ever visited Hawai’i, you have heard of the legendary King, Kamehameha the Great. He was the one person who was capable of achieving the impossible – uniting the Hawaiian Islands under one rule and one kingdom by 1810. Kamehameha’s vision was much like that of the United States, to form one nation… Read more »